Sunday, December 12, 2010


This weekend we briefly visited Phoenix and stayed with Auntie Jaime. One of my best girlfriends from college came by for a visit (she's 31 weeks pregnant with a baby girl!) The twins had a great time playing with her and we got a couple adorable pictures of her belly!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Jude and Izzie had so much fun at art yesterday. They are so into drawing and painting and absolutely loved being big kids. We went with our friends Ethan, Arno and Riley and everybody made their own beautiful masterpiece! And yes, we did taste a little bit of everything!

Painting with brother.

"Good Job Izzie & Jude!"

Our buddy Ethan showed us the ropes!

Thank you Mimi & Papa

Izzie and Jude got a new activity table for Christmas from Mimi & Papa. We set it up last night in their playroom and let them go to town this morning. They are very into drawing these days and they had so much fun. Izzie stored her crayons in the little drawer and Jude drew all over the entire paper! It was so cute to watch :)